Friday, July 30, 2010

Welcome. Wherein our purposes are stated.

If you're here, you’ve either read my posts on Kos, FB or Twitter and want to participate. Or troll, it's a free country. So, what's the point? Here it is. Anyone with a writing implement and 2 coherent thoughts make a draft law. All you need is the will to do it. Then you need a tactic. Supporters, in fact. Here's where we get citizens really united. If we all, submit the most comprehensive, most progressive law we can put together, the more likely it is that progressive legislation can pass. Democracy is not a wait & see thing. If we wait for laws we like to happen, we're probably going to still be sitting here collecting dust & spiders in 20 years. By using the collective energy we have and our phones, email, twitter, and especially snail mail, we can have an impact. What I will do is post a draft version of a bill, anyone can submit edits, or comments to improve it, then I'll post the final version for sending. We can email it or mail it. If you know of just the right congressperson to send it to specifically, have at it. It costs us nothing but time to fight for what we believe is right. The conservatives do it, so why can't we. It's time to be the progressives we can be, hell, we can be the legislators we want. Maybe it's a little bit crazy, but, so's the world.

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