Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Everything Starts At 1

It's been interesting, this attempt at citizen legislating. While I see the discontent on the left and the right, I notice that the efforts are tied mostly to screaming, yelling, blogging and commenting. If just half the effort expended on this was applied to contacting your lawmakers and your media (yes, they operate in the public sphere thanks to you, so they are yours), you 'd probably see some very effective laws happening. It takes effort and focus, persistence too. On a positive note, I had the privilege of reviewing one of my internet contacts first draft at a law/act to address jobs and education. It was a great first start and I fleshed out some possible methods that could make it more of a reality than a just a sketchy start that could leave too much to the lawmakers to develop. The only thing left, was suggesting methods to pay for it, because that will be the huge sticking point. Now, if & when he's ready to present it, I will add it here and cross post it. Why? Because if you want progressive laws, progressive actions, then you have to have a progressive population willing to do the work to see it passed. I've reached out and had more naysayers than supporters but just seeing another person put in the thought and effort has made the past couple of months worthwhile. Let's see if we snowflakes can start an avalanche of change.

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